


Product Launch / Market Positioning / Brand Awareness


Branding / Product Design / UX & UI

Flok is a platform for luxury property exchange. Unlike traditional transactional travel experiences, Flok offers a more transformative approach to travelling, creating a 'home away from home' for its exclusive community. By handpicking, vetting, and offering some of the world’s finest properties, Flok turns luxury property ownership into an opportunity for guilt-free travel and enhanced property value.

We developed a brand identity that captures the essence of their commitment to reimagining travel as a transformative experience. "Intriguing", "reserved & understated","purposeful & mindful" is what the team wanted to achieve. Targeting high-net-worth individuals with a diverse demographic, our challenge was to appeal to both affluent families and savvy working professionals. We aimed for a classy and sophisticated look that communicates calm, peace, and comfort, rather than luxury. Flok’s brand is about feeling at home and the excitement of discovering new properties and destinations.

A key challenge of the product design process was creating an engaging platform without a traditional payment system. Our solution was an internal Flok currency system, easily adopted across demographics. We streamlined the onboarding process into intuitive actions, ensuring account completion and activation, and designed hook cycles to foster user retention without aggressive campaigns. This approach ensured trust, sparked curiosity, and enhanced user engagement without overwhelming them.


Product Launch / Market Positioning / Brand Awareness


Branding / Product Design / UX & UI

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Elegant, intriguing, and minimalistic - a gateway to a world of transformational travel experiences. Flok combines a calming colour palette with an adventurous twist, turning luxury property exchange into a journey of discovery and comfort for the discerning traveller.

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