
3 min read

UX Secrets Uncovered from the Realm of Video Games

Video games are far from just a pastime.

They’re an art, a science, and a complex interactive experience. A large part of what makes these games appealing and successful is their excellent UX design. Games like Fortnite, World of Warcraft, and others have pushed the boundaries of UX design. Here’s what we can learn from them.

Simplified Complexity: The Fortnite Approach

Fortnite’s magic lies in its intuitive UI which elegantly simplifies complex activities. Fortnite’s crafting system, for example, uses contextual crafting to reduce the cognitive load on users. This offers a lesson on simplifying interfaces for complex tasks.

Monetisation and Ethics: The Fortnite Model

In addition to its intuitive design, Fortnite has an ingenious monetisation strategy. Players can purchase V-Bucks to buy aesthetic upgrades, but these don’t offer any competitive advantages, maintaining fairness. However, this model’s ethical challenges, especially regarding younger users and potential overspending, warrant careful attention in UX design.


Customisation: The World of Warcraft Mantra

World of Warcraft offers an incredibly customisable interface, allowing each user’s experience to feel personal.

This level of customisation and personalisation is applicable in any UX design setting.


Anticipatory Design: Mario Kart’s Intelligent UI

Mario Kart uses anticipatory design, providing power-ups at strategic points.

This concept can be carried over into UX design as predicting and catering to user needs is a potent tool in increasing user satisfaction.


Visual Feedback: Call of Duty’s Reward System

Call of Duty provides instant, tangible feedback to players, which drives a sense of achievement and progress.

Incorporating instant feedback in UX design can similarly elevate user engagement.


Emotional Engagement: The Last of Us II’s Narrative-driven Design

The Last of Us II leverages powerful storytelling to engage players emotionally.

Creating an emotional connection can help users identify with a brand in UX design.


In the era of digital experiences, UX designers can learn much from video games. By studying these gaming powerhouses, we can create more engaging, intuitive, and user-friendly interfaces, always aiming to craft experiences that users will love and remember.